About Us

About James and how I can help you!

Hi my name’s James Porter, and this website offering my Classes and Personal Training has come about because I strongly believe in the importance of physical and mental health and fitness.

I know from personal experience just how much being fit and healthy significantly improves ALL areas of your life.

Often people exercise because they want to get fitter, lose weight, or get ready for a holiday or wedding. These are all very worthy and very important goals.

However, there are also so many more fantastic benefits that you can experience. Things like having more energy, feeling better mentally and less stressed, having more confidence, being able to do more with your partner, children, or grandchildren, having better relationships, having fewer health problems, and having a more positive outlook on life.

Overall when done properly, exercise will help you live a healthier, longer, and happier life. Every single day of your life will be higher quality.

Really becoming a fitter and healthier you means a better life for you and everyone else in your life, and here’s why I can help you get there…

  • I’m a fully qualified UK Athletics coach who has experience helping thousands of people to get much fitter and healthier
  • I’ve also helped thousands of people to lose weight with exercise
  • I can help you with any area of exercise, fitness, health, diet, and motivation
  • I have trained with and helped complete beginner exercisers to Olympic athletes
  • I have 26 years exercise experience and can pass this valuable experience on to you to help you reach your goals

With the help that you get from me with my Classes or Personal Training I will help you achieve your goals whether you want to get fitter, feel healthier, or lose weight.

I am a friendly and well mannered person who enjoys the social side of meeting people and I am interested in you as a person. You are not just a statistic or number to me, you are a person who I want to help improve your life.

I have the experience to help you reach your goals, I know you can do it… So let’s make it happen!